Jose Campos Jose Campos

Artisanal Coffee

Chingate un Cafe Blog

Chingate un Café specializes in Artisanal coffee.

Artisanal coffee is often grown using sustainable practices and is usually hand-picked and processed. The beans are usually carefully selected and sorted, and the roasting is typically done in small batches. This allows for greater control over the final flavor and quality of the coffee. Additionally, many artisanal coffee producers will focus on specific varieties of coffee beans and may even use heirloom varieties that are not commonly found in conventional coffee.

Artisanal coffee and conventional coffee such as Starbucks differ in a few key ways. Artisanal coffee is typically grown on small, family-owned farms using traditional methods. It is often of a higher quality and is often shade-grown, which helps to protect the natural environment. Conventional coffee, on the other hand, is grown on large, industrial farms using modern methods and technology. It is often of a lower quality and is often grown in monoculture, which can be harmful to the environment. Additionally, artisanal coffee is often sold at a higher price point due to the added labor and care put into growing and processing the beans.

Chingate un Café is proud to provide you with the highest quality artisanal roasted coffee that includes sustainable and ethically sourced beans that are often handcrafted using traditional methods, which can result in unique and complex flavor profiles

By purchasing from us, you are supporting small, independent businesses, rather than large commercial operations.


Chingate un Café.

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Jose Campos Jose Campos

Brewing us with a Chemex

Chingate un Cafe Chemex

Brewing our coffee with a Chemex is the preferred manual method that allows for complete control over the extraction process and results in a clean, balanced cup of coffee.

Here is a step-by-step guide to brew our coffee using the pour-over method:

1.    Start by heating water to a temperature between 195-205°F (90-96°C).


2.    While the water is heating, grind your coffee beans to a medium-fine consistency.


3.    Place a paper or metal filter into the pour-over cone and rinse the filter with a small amount of hot water to remove any paper taste.


4.    Pour out the water.


5.    Add the ground coffee to the cone. (We suggest 1gm of coffee for every 15gm of water) so if you are brewing 35 grams of coffee in your Chemex then you will need 525 grams of water to brew your coffee.

6.    Slowly pour a small amount of hot water over the coffee to wet the grounds and allow them to "bloom" for 30 seconds. This process releases gases trapped in the coffee and allows for a more complete extraction.

7.    Slowly pour the remaining hot water over the coffee, keeping the water level just below the rim of the cone.

8. Allow the coffee to brew for 2-4 minutes, or until it has reached your desired strength.

9. Discard the filter and grounds and pour the brewed coffee into your serving vessel.

It's important to note that this is one method of brewing artisanal coffee, and there are many other methods and variations to try, such as French press, cold brew, and espresso. The key to brewing great coffee is to experiment with different methods and find the one that best suits your taste preferences.

Enjoy your artisanal coffee!

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